Introduction: Mortal Kombat 11 has taken the gaming world by storm with its stunning graphics, engaging gameplay, and an ever-expanding roster of iconic characters. Among these legendary fighters, Scorpion and Dark Empress Kitana stand out as fan favorites. In this blog post, we'll delve into an epic showdown between these two formidable warriors, exploring their unique abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. Scorpion: The Vengeful Specter Scorpion, also known as Hanzo Hasashi, is a revenant ninja from the Shirai Ryu clan. He is one of the most recognizable characters in the Mortal Kombat series, known for his iconic catchphrase, "Get over here!" Scorpion's fighting style is aggressive and relentless, utilizing his signature kunai spear, teleportation, and hellfire manipulation to devastate his opponents. Strengths: - Exceptional agility and speed - Powerful teleportation and hellfire attacks - Versatile combos and mix-up potential Weaknesses: - Limited zoning capa

Bare Knuckle/Streets of Rage

 Game Reviews

Have you been craving a hot fist-fighting type game for your Genesis? Well, now you can start dancing in the streets, Streets of Rage that is! The street fighting concept has been used everywhere else, such as in the arcades and on all other home systems, but it's never been done on the Genesis and it's rarely been handled this well. However, you will recognize Streets' style, which mirrors that of Alien Storm and Golden Axe.

Streets of Rage has eight fist-pounding levels in which you fight along shorelines, on a cargo ship, up an elevator, and, of course, in wind-blown streets. The graphics and animation in this game are terrific!

 Street Fightin'

Things aren't working out in a good way in the city. All similarity to power has disintegrated under the abusive load of the Syndicate - an amazing wrongdoing association that controls everything, including the city hall leader and the cops. Just two cops, Axel Stone and Blaze Fielding, opposed the allurement of defilement. The two officials are gifted experts of hand-to-hand battle, yet will that be sufficient against a city brimming with horrendous hooligans?

Five immense side-looking over levels anticipate you in this a couple of player game. The guidelines are basic: Use your character's battling aptitudes to take out each hoodlum. You start with three lives, and there are three proceeds - finito. No passwords and no reasons. Luckily, there's a bounty of catalysts, weapons, and extra things covered up all through each level.

Your crazy thunder takes you over the city looking for the Syndicate's HQ. Before you hit the jackpot, you should endure journey across the Downtown Streets, the City Bridge, ships in the harbor, and a manufacturing plant. Wave after influx of nasties thwart your advancement, including hooligans, bikers, ninjas, and whip-crackin' cowhide dominatrices!

Toward the finish of each level, a super-solid manager makes your life hopeless. Each manager requires a particular procedure. Eradicate his life bar before he deletes yours!


Roads of Rage is relentless, finger-siphoning activity certainly the most sultry road fight for the Game Gear to date. Fanatics of Streets of Rage for the Genesis won't be frustrated by this compact adaptation. Sharp designs, smooth movement, and serious test ensure this truck will be extremely popular!


Crush open different fixed articles situated at the lower part of the screen to uncover concealed catalysts.

Discover the crowbar covered up inside the telephone corners. This weapon has the most power and the best striking separation.

You can just cany each weapon in turn. You should dispose of a current weapon to get another one. Disposed of weapons are away for acceptable.

The Level 1 Boss tosses his boomerang legitimately at you. Go up or down to avoid it Attack him after he gets his boomerang and before he raises back to toss it once more.

Assault the Level 2 flamethrower Boss from behind.

Toss one foe into another to take them both down.

In the event that an adversary snatches you from behind, flip him Into his mates.

Foes will in general move in dusters. Wreck them as a unit prior to taking them one-on-one.

Game Reviews

Have you been needing a hot clench hand battling type game for your Genesis? Indeed, presently you can begin moving in the roads, Streets of Rage that is! The road battling idea has been utilized wherever else, for example, in the arcades and on all other home frameworks, however it's never been done on the Genesis and it's once in a while been dealt with this well. In any case, you will perceive Streets' style, which reflects that of Alien Storm and Golden Ax.

Street of Rage has eight clench hand beating levels in which you battle along shorelines, on a load transport, up a lift, and, obviously, in wind-blown roads. The illustrations and activity in this game are fabulous!

You browse three characters, extreme cops who each spend significant time in various hand-to-hand battling procedures, Boxing, Martial Arts, and Judo.

This game is stuffed with wonderful moves that assist you with getting away from most dilemmas, and you can get free things, for example, lead lines and play clubs for a swinging time. Concurrent two-player games are an impact, and a subsequent player can participate in any time!


In two player games, you and your accomplice should take position at the two sides of the screen.

Use back kicks and pokes by squeezing Buttons B Rage will thump and C to get away from difficult situations!

Roads of Rage will take you out! In the event that you appreciate games like Double Dragon or Final Fight, you should slug it out with Streets of Rage.

Following the presentation of the16-Meg beast Street Fighter 2, Sega chose to build their own personal form. What's more, are we in for a treat!

Presently, with four characters, you can browse a few unique and exceptional moves. So numerous indeed we needed more space on this page to show them all! Stay tuned to EGM for additional forward-thinking inclusion!

The fight warms up as you get yourself more profound in the domain of the wrongdoing partner. You should battle your way to the penthouse of the Main Boss and oust him for the last time. The U.S. Public Video Game Team will manage you through the last phases of this incredible game. We'll give you the best in system and the most recent strategies from the best parts on the planet. Search for a top to bottom segment on procedures to crush every one of the characters in the game just as the most ideal approach to finish the head of this pack of hooligans

Producer: Sega

# of players: 1 or 2

Trouble: Moderate

Subject: Action

Let the head-busting start! The horrible organization is back around and Axel Stone stands erroneously blamed for wrongdoing. Axel, Blaze, Sammy, and another brawler, Zan leave a path of crushed heads and mortally injured rubbish. The crowd is meaner than at any other time! The greatest fight just got greater with 24 dangerous megabits of explosive illustrations and arcade-style combative techniques butcher! Veteran bashers Axel, Blaze, and Sammy from the subsequent experience are joined by newcomer Zan, an uncommonly prepared battle cyborg. The game is wealthy in real life and is stacked with improved battling abilities, lung buster punches, executioner tosses, skull-breaking kicks, and mortal blows! There is additionally an upgraded two-player Mode for helpful pandemonium. Or then again let loose a little thoroughly demolishing each other in the Head-to-Head Mode.

Producer: Sega

Machine: Genesis

Number of Levels: 8

Subject: Action

Trouble: Average

Number of Players: 2 sim

Feel The Rage...

Another kingpin has assumed control over the city! Indeed, even the police power is degenerate. Spare the city from this criminal rubbish before it's past the point of no return! Browse three distinctive saints, each with their own personal specific moves and capacities! Pick Wolf for power, Blaze for speed, and Hawk for all-around ability. Gain proficiency with the various methods of every legend, and utilize the one appropriate for you! Next, impact through 8 levels of constant battling activity as you competition to arrive at the kingpin and end his rule of dread. It might be unpleasant, so bring a companion along for 2-player concurrent play! Simply don't hit one another in the event that you intend to win. Great 16-cycle designs joined with the melodic authority of Yuzo Koshiro and Team Shinobi make Streets of Rage a seething hit!

Number of Levels: 8

Subject: Fighting

Trouble: Moderate

Number of Players: 1 or 2

Accessible: December 1991

Become the ace and gatekeeper of the roads of fury

A war is seething on the city roads and the crime percentage is taking off! The groups are so solid even the police can't stop them! Three ex-cops Adam Hunter, Axel Stone, and Blaze Fielding have willingly volunteered to dispose of the wrongdoing partner behind the fear! Roads of Rage is one of the most blazing battling games accessible for any framework and now the U.S. Public Video Game Team will bring you into fight more than ever. With wonderful guides and the best tips and strategies, you ought to have no issues doing combating your way to the Big Boss who's behind everything.

 Round 1

You'll discover this apple in the principal stall. Dispose of the entirety of the foes prior to reviving your life.

The container is a decent weapon, yet the lead pipe, which is only in front of it, has a more extended reach.

The two external telephone corners are unfilled however in the event that you pulverize the one in the center you will discover an apple.

At the point when this troublemaker attempts to toss you simply hold UP and JUMP to land securely on your feet.

This person looks a ton meaner than he truly is. To guarantee your endurance it is ideal to keep the meat on the screen until you are low on life. Snatch the Boss and give him a couple knee pummels and a background for best outcomes.

Round 2

In this level there are many catalysts covered up under the jars.

The pepper will shock the foes for a couple of moments!

Round 3

The slugger will assist you with going through the initial segment of this level. Attempt to vanquish the foes as they show up or they will follow and razz you making it harder to ward them off exclusively.

Get the meat after you've vanquished the kung fu experts.

Ensure that you get the 1-UP symbol on this level.

To vanquish this Boss you should simply snatch him, do two knee hammers, and afterward scenery him. Keep the meat on the screen just on the off chance that you have to top off your energy.

Round 4

In this level the adversaries are more various and harder than previously. Watch your back!

Look under the cones and boundaries for catalysts.

Try not to miss this significant 1-UP!

Boss 4

This Boss is fairly simple once you know his shaky area. Wreck him with a jumpkick and afterward quickly knee pummel him. Try not to attempt to scenery him or the consequences will be severe!



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